Beyond the Light Barrier, narrated by John Kani, explores the extraordinary life of Elizabeth Klarer, a South African meteorologist who devoted herself to proving the existence of Akon, her extraterrestrial lover from the planet Meton in the Proxima Centauri solar system. The film features archival footage, recent interviews with Klarer’s family and friends, as well as sceptics and Southern African Ufologists, to offer an in-depth look at her enigmatic life. Klarer claims to have lived with Akon’s family on Meton for four months and given birth to their son after a journey on his spaceship. The film delves into Klarer’s experiences on the alien planet and includes insights from Credo Mutwa, a renowned South African mystic. Through personal accounts and expert analysis, Beyond the Light Barrier provides an immersive exploration of Klarer’s remarkable legacy.
Beyond the Light Barrier
In Beyond the Light Barrier, Elizabeth Klarer's extraordinary life is explored in depth, narrated by John Kani. The South African meteorologist's devotion to proving the existence of Akon, her extraterrestrial lover, as well as her enigmatic life on the alien planet Meton.
Illustrator: Carmen Ziervogel
Sound Producer: Catherine Grenfell
Facilitator: Faldelah Abrahams-Issel
Cinematographer & Executive producer: Georgia Court
Projection Artist & Animation Director: Inka Kendzia
Director, Writer & Producer: Uga Carlini