The Other Profile by Armel Hostiou is a compelling and comedic documentary that delves into the complexities of identity and social media in the modern world. Shot in France and the Democratic Republic of Congo, the film follows Hostiou as he investigates a fake Facebook account using his name and photos to lure women in Kinshasa to audition for his next film. The film offers a unique and insightful perspective on identity, authenticity and the impact of social media on our lives. Through a blend of personal storytelling and social commentary, Hostiou explores the human desire for connection and the risks we take in pursuing these ideals in a digital age. This story is a testament to the importance of authenticity and the risks we face in a world that increasingly blurs the line between reality and digital facades. The film’s unexpected conclusion also serves as a powerful reminder of the human stories that underlie our online interactions and the importance of empathy and humility in our pursuit of connection and understanding.
The Other Profile
Le vrai du faux
One day filmmaker Armel Hostiou discovers he has a second Facebook account: a fake Armel who has real photos of him and many female friends, all of whom live in Kinshasa. Fake Armel invites them to audition for his next film, which is supposedly set in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Faced with the impossibility of closing this account, the filmmaker decides to go looking for his double.
Previous Festivals
Beldocs (2023)
Cinema du Réel (2023)
CPH:DOX (2023)