A Performance on Femininity delves into the engrossing exploration of Kikunu Ono’s identity as a female geisha in Nara, Japan. Ono shares her profound journey, shedding light on her years of performing in this traditional role. Struggling with self-definition, she transcends conventional gender labels, now identifying as “it” rather than as a woman, constrained by societal expectations of obedience. This thought-provoking documentary vividly portrays the complexity of Ono’s crisis, as the interviewer accompanies her and records her transformative process in preparing for a role that has defined her existence.
The Subtle Art of Performance Shorts Block includes Faces of Fortune, Coach, A Performance on Femininity, Breaking Barriers: The Ricardo Fitzpatrick Story
The Ster-Kinekor EYE Shorts Block includes Our Land, The Reclaimers, Jikele Maweni Ndiyahamba, Coach, A Performance on Femininity, Push Comes to Shove – Stories of Obstetric Violence: Bongie’s Story