This Is National Wake follows the story of a multiracial punk rock band formed by Ivan Kadey, Gary Khoza and Punka Khoza. The band’s internal dynamics reflected and were interrupted by the racial tensions and political strife of the declining years of the apartheid regime. Their outlaw lifestyle, which bridged their own racial divide, is explored as a rebellion of the restrictions of repressive racial laws. Musically, the documentary immerses the liberatory philosophy of the band, providing relief and revelry to diverse audiences in Johannesburg’s urban and township venues. But an internal tragedy brewed beneath their exciting show-stopping musical current.
All screenings to be followed by a Q&A featuring Director Mirissa Neff, Co-Producer Nadine Kadey and National Wake’s Ivan Kadey (except in Cape Town where only Nadine and Ivan Kadey will be present for the Q&A).